Tofu – From Demographics to Psychographics, Level Up Your Research to Find Out Why Customers Buy; Know Any Laid-Off Tech Marketers? Get Them Into Climate; The Writing GPS
From Demographics to Psychographics, Level Up Your Research to Find Out Why Customers Buy
Using psychographics in your marketing strategy
Tofu often writes about buyer personas, understanding who your audience is, and collecting actionable insights about them– data to inform the tactics to target your audience. You may know your target audience, but do you know why they buy? In marketing jargon, that’s audience segmentation and typically research at the start of your marketing planning. Demographics tell you who your customers are, while psychographics tell you why they buy.
Psychographic segmentation delves into your customer groups by uncovering the motivations behind your customers’ buying behavior. [read more]
Know Any Laid-Off Tech Marketers? Get Them Into Climate
Let’s spread the word about climate tech marketing
Have the recent tech layoffs impacted any of your marketing friends or connections at Meta, Twitter, and others? Encourage them to look into working in climate. We need everyone on deck. And according to fellow Tofu Natalie Lavery of talent firm Climate People, climate tech is a sector that offers relative security amid economic uncertainty.
Fellow Tofu Mike Munsell put together an excellent resource guide in Canary Media for people looking to transition into climate (and it mentions Tofu - thanks, Mike!). And yours truly recently published tips specifically for marketers looking to pivot into climate.
Usually, our archived articles are only for paid subscribers, but given the importance of the topic, we’ve made it accessible to all. Please see below!
Now, marketers might not even be aware that there are marketing jobs in climate. Tofu is addressing this. We have a jobs channel on our Slack community and feature the latest opportunities in our bi-weekly newsletter. Please share Tofu with your marketing friends and invite them to join our mission!
What we’re reading
The Writing GPS: A Writing Framework That Makes Your Writing Ridiculously Good
As climate tech marketers, we do a ton of writing; pitch decks, sales materials, grant applications, press releases, etc. So we need to find the angles in our startup story that relate to our target reader. Ann Hadley of Marketing Profs draws a framework that goes beyond the basics to see where a little extra effort or attention can make the magic happen.
Writing can at times feel like birthing a Honda Civic: It's hard. It's not pretty. You sweat a lot. What helps with the pitch-black uncertainty and enormity and overwhelmingness of the task is to start with a process to guide you along the way…The Writing GPS acts as our guide. [read more]
From the archives [paid]
How to Build Your Marketing Tech Stack for Climate
Choosing the right marketing tech will make your marketing more impactful
A marketing stack, also known as a marketing technology stack or MarTech stack, is a group of software applications that companies combine to manage and improve their marketing.
Why is choosing the right tech stack important for your climate tech company?
While building the “perfect” stack is aspirational or impossible, it makes sense to ask why you need these tools:
Faster go-to-market
Easier to scale your marketing outreach
More efficient operations on an all-in-one ecosystem reduce the potential of silos
Share data and collaborate effectively across your marketing, sales, creative, and executive teams
Offer your audiences rich, personalized experiences [read more]
From the community
👋 Welcome, new Tofus!
Thank you to everyone who’s subscribed, joined the Tofu Slack community, and shared this newsletter with their climate tech marketing friends!
🎗 Kat of Solar Today asked for some good sources for communications/web/media grants for environmental non-profits. Bettina and Martin shared a few featured lists and database sources.
👩🏽🏫 Amy shared a mentorship opportunity from a Washington Post Journalist for folks who were recently laid off by tech companies who are now hoping to pivot to climate.
🔥 James at Liminal invited thoughts if climate tech startups should re-think their presence on Twitter. Andrew of Recurrent Auto suggested that this view may be a slippery slope, especially when it’s hard to find marketing channels that are 100% aligned with our values. While Dave countered and called for hosting the first sustainability-focused mastodon instance.
🔎 Lawren is looking for a consultant who could help explore if SEO can be a great way to promote her sustainability shopping tool.
🎮 Amy posted about an opening on Google's sustainability marketing team for a temp Program Manager who can help scale marketing communications globally.
💼 Did you know that Tofu has a vibrant jobs channel featuring new jobs in climate tech marketing daily? Check it out for your next career move.
Want to feature your climate tech marketing job ad here and promote it to more than 400+ climate tech marketing experts? Get in touch with Bettina to chat more.
Thank you to our supporters!
Thank you to all who have subscribed to support this community - it means a lot!
Happy Holidays!
Mel & Bettina